You could spend countless hours putting netting around your apple trees or hanging streamers to shoo birds away. Instead, try something easier and less damaging. Avian Enterprises works to keep bothersome birds away from your apples.
Netting Alternatives
Don’t spend your free time measuring netting, cutting and applying reflective tape or programming noise machines. While these tactics may work for a while, they are often time-consuming and pricey. Avian Control is easy to use, effective and mild bird repellent, that lasts longer, without all the hassle.
Effective Liquid Repellent
To protect your apple trees from birds, try something that actually works. Our bird repellent, Avian Control, offers all the qualities you want, such as:
Easy-to-apply: can be sprayed or fogged
Low-cost: only $12.50 per acre per application
Mild ingredients: gentle enough to use on delicate apple trees and is EPA-registered
Long-lasting: lasts up to two weeks per outdoor application, even longer indoors
Hear From Other Apple Customers
Avian Control has helped apple tree growers just like you. Read what one customer said about his experience with the product:
“I had lost 75% of my apples the previous two years in a row due to birds. I used Avian Control this past season and only lost 10% due to bird damage. I KNOW it works! I had to hire apple pickers this year for all the additional apples!!” - Michael Hoffman, Gardners, PA
Avian Enterprises Will Protect Your Apple Trees
Your apple trees will be protected with Avian Enterprises. Rather than spending unnecessary time and money on liquid bird repellents that don’t work, try Avian Control. Our product offers easy applications, low treatment costs and lasting results for both indoors and outdoors. Shop now or contact us for more information.